· By Lauren Benbassat
WHEATGRASS’ Wow-ing Nutrients!
You can’t walk into a health store these days without seeing wheatgrass shots. It’s been the rage for a while now. But is this just a long-lasting fad or is it worth incorporating into our diets? When we were creating mēle, we researched this ingredient, among others, extensively. Wheatgrass contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and amino acids. It has 17 amino acids to be exact, eight of which are essential to our bodies. Plus, wheatgrass has a significant amount of chlorophyll, which is why we use it in our supergreen recipe.
While chlorophyll can be found in all green plants—including leafy greens and other veggies we eat—wheatgrass has a particularly high chlorophyll content. This green pigment is oftentimes understated, yet powerful. It has even been linked to fighting cancer, as it can bind to potential carcinogens and interfere with how they’re absorbed within the human gastrointestinal track. This helps stop carcinogens from being circulated throughout the body. Although scientists are still learning exactly how chlorophyll can affect cancer, we are certainly attuned to its other benefits.
Studies have shown that chlorophyll helps rebuild blood, alkaline the body, and detoxify the liver, to name a few. It also slows the rate at which harmful bacteria reproduce, making it essential for wound healing and preventing body infections.
On top of high chlorophyll levels, the vitamins found in wheatgrass act as antioxidants which reverse the effects of free radicals (free radicals are linked to a number of health issues in the body like arthritis and cancer). Antioxidants also help fight chronic inflammation that cause issues like stomach problems. It’s not a surprise that holistic medicine has long used wheatgrass to reduce stomach pain and manage minor gastrointestinal problems. Needless to say, we love the health benefits from this small but potent plant. So, take a shot of it, add it into a salad dressing, or pour yourself a supergreen mēle!